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Mainland resumes import of Wendan pomelo from Taiwan

BEIJING, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) — The General Administration of Customs (GAC) has decided to resume the import of Wendan pomelo from Taiwan starting Monday, a mainland spokesperson confirmed.
Wendan pomelo to be imported into the mainland from Taiwan must come from registered orchards and packaging plants, said Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office.
The decision to resume imports of this fruit was based on the overall evaluation of rectification measures from the Taiwan side after Hualien County had submitted relevant documents, and is in accordance with the quarantine regulations of the mainland, Chen said.
The GAC had previously suspended the import of Taiwan citrus fruits, including Wendan pomelo, with effect from Aug. 3, 2022 due to biosecurity and public health concerns. It said mainland customs authorities had detected harmful substances in such fruits on several occasions.
Since this suspension took effect, the Taiwan side repeatedly expressed their desire to resume the export of Wendan pomelo to the mainland and took measures aimed at rectification of the situation, Chen said.
He also noted that the mainland is willing to discuss the import of Taiwan farm produce with relevant authorities on the island, with the goal of seeking benefits for Taiwan compatriots, especially those at the grassroots level. ■
